(For Welfare of the Universe)
Monthly news letter of
Our motto Serve humanity Save universe
(For free distribution amongst members)
Vol II Homam Special December 2007
Om Parashakti Namo Namaha
Sarvesham Swasthir Bhavathu Sarvesham Shanthir Bhavathu
Sarvesham Poornam Bhavathu Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavathu
Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu
Respected Sir/Madam,
Shri P.S.Varadarajan (Guruji)
Shri Guruji believes in simple living and high thinking He does not believe in any outward show. He makes each and everyone feel at ease and is always ready to help everyone. When I (Hari Krishnamurthy) had gone to meet him in January 2007 during his visit to Delhi in connection with Kumbhabishekam of Sree Meenakshi Temple at Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi, I was overawed by his presence. I had wanted to ask him so many things but was dumbstruck in his presence. I felt I had got everything I wanted without even uttering a word. From that moment he was my Guru I had read some where that there is an oriental proverb “one need not search for a Guru, when the student is ready the teacher would just find him”. I found that proverb to be true in my case. In the last few months his grace has elevated me spiritually to a level beyond imagination. During his visit for Sarva Devata Homam in September 2007, he asked me to control my anger He had not asked anything from me but wanted me to be a better human being, so from that moment onwards I had shed my anger totally and till today I am enjoying the benefit. From a non existent common ordinary person, now people recognize me, respect me because of his benevolence. Without my asking Shri Guruji chants for me and my family and when I enquired about this to him he smilingly replied that he did this for all the people who had come into contact with him. This fact was confirmed by all others whom I met in the presence of Shri Guruji. We may have prejudices, petty quarrels with our own folk and here is a person who does not know any thing else but selfless love, affection and benevolence. I had then decided that if ever my life was to be dedicated to some one it was Shri Guruji. After taking this decision I consulted the matter with my wife and she too agreed. Since then I am doing what you all are experiencing. This vishwa kalyan issue too is just my way of submitting flowers at Shri Guruji’s feet.From November 2007 to this issue in August 2008, we have come a long way but there are miles to go and achieve the mission of Lokakshema “Welfare of the people. All of us belong to one family (Vasudeiva Kutumbakam) being brothers and sisters it becomes our duty to work for the welfare of our brothers and sisters. During last 18 months lot of friends, brothers, sisters joined us in this mission of lokakshema where we distributed food amongst under privileged, notebooks and stationery to students, performed pujas for prevention of terrorism, reduction of global warming, prevention of natural calamities like earthquake, tsunamis, etc. The Lokakshema International Mission Trust is a mission of the people, by the people, for the people.
I request you all too to kindly correct me, suggest, and guide me to make this news letter a useful and purposeful effort.
We welcome you all to benefit from the divine blessings of Shri Guruji and reduce your sufferings, problems, etc. Shri Guruji has no reservations about caste, creed, colour, nationality, religion, etc as he only believes in service to entire mankind as his mission. You may send in your queries to lokakshemamission @gmail.com.
Guruji Maharaj is visiting New Delhi on 11th August 2008 to perform special pujas in Hardwar and Rishikesh on the occasion of solar eclipse. As his programme is for a very short duration, all devotees/ disciples are requested to fix up appointments in advance to avoid disappointment. People who wish to approach Guruji for solution of their problems may submit their problems in writing in advance along with all particulars and contact number at the registered office (A-73, Inderpuri, New Delhi-110012 phone 9868369793, 011-25836229). All the Trustees and disciples are kindly requested to cooperate to avoid inconvenience to Guru Maharaj ji and make his stay at New Delhi comfortable.
We have received an application from physically impaired (deaf and dumb) and economically weaker parents of a girl H. Ashwini for financial assistance (Rs. 50,000) for her marriage fixed on 4th of September 2008 at Chennai. We appeal to all of you to do your bit and send in your donations/contributions to the Trust for this purpose, so that we may assist this family at the time of need. Your donations can be deposited directly at the nearest Corporation Bank branch mentioning the Account no 771885 branch code 712, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi-110088 under intimation to us to enable us to issue proper receipt and exemption certificate under section 80g of Income Tax Act.
Detailed programme
26-07-08 Puja at Parashakthi peetham
27-07-08 Annadhanam
28-07-08 Abhishekam to all deities and vastram
29-07-08 laksharchana to Lord shiva (for destruction of all evil forces, negatives, shrapa, dosha,removal of obstacles, etc)
30-07-08 Laksharchana to Lord Maha Vishnu (for all round protection, good health, etc)
31-07-08 Laksharchana to Goddess Lalithambika (for prosperity, wealth, happiness and peace)
01-08-08 Solar Eclipse ( Surya Grahanam) Ganapathy Homam, Sarva Devata homam, Grahana dosha nivarthi homam, etc
02-08-08 Anadhanam and thanksgiving puja at Parashakti peetham
03-08-08 Adi Puram Puja and Archana
15-08-08 to 17-08-08 Special Pujas, Sarva Devata Homam, Avani Avittam, Graha parihara puja, Grahana nivarthi puja, Gayathri japam, etc.
The above programmes involves an expenditure of approximately Rs 1.75 lakh and you may sponsor items, contribute, donate to your mite.
For Surya Grahanam the below sloka to be recited 28 times in the beginning time of Grahanam.
“ Indronalo Danda Taracha Prasedato Vaayu Kubera Eesanaha
Majjanma Rukshe Mama Raasi Samste Agro Paraagam Samayanthu Sarve “
For Chandra Grahanam the below sloka to be recited 28 times in the Grahanam starting time.
“ Indronalo danda taracha Prasedato Vaayu Kubera Eesanaha
Majjanma Rukshe Mama Raasi Samste Somobaraagam Samayanthu Sarve “
During this eclipse people on following rashis would be affected. Rishabha, Mithuna,karka, kanya, vrishchika, makara, kumbha and meena, etc. These eclipse are going to be severe on the country, all rulers, heads of companies, organizations, natural calamities, terrorism, spread of viruses, diseases, etc. People who wish to participate or have their names included may have their details registered with Trust representatives by contributing a minimum of Rs 100 for sankalpam(you may also sponsor items during this week long function at Thirukkutrallam and at Hardwar and Rishikesh) Donations / contributions of more than Rs 500 would be eligible for 80G exemption certificate under Income tax.
We have already provided financial assistance to two children of Shri V Viswanathan (Chellappa) of Chennai for educating his two daughters i.e. Kum V Lalithakumari studying 9th and Kum V Bhavani studying in 7th Standard in Corporation School through Mrs Radha Ramachandiramani who had collected donation from her friends and relatives to help these children and others. Smt Radha is an active member of the Trust who during her spare time assists Guruji with odd jobs. May Goddess Parashakti give her immense strength to do all the services and bless her with good health, happiness and prosperity.
Navagraha Gayathris
(Pls recite 109 times as per the day applicable, it has its own effect)
Contributed by Mrs Radha Ram
1. Surya Gayatri :
Ohm Ashwadhwajaya Vidmahe Padmahastaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Surya Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Suryaya Namaha.
2. Chandra Gayatri :
Ohm Nisakharaaya Vidmahe Kalaanaathaya Dheemahi
Thanno Chandra Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Chandraya Namaha
3. Angaraka Gayatri :
Ohm Angarakaaya Vidmahe Bhumi Baalaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Kuja Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Angarakaaya Namaha.
4. Budha Gayatri :
Ohm Budha Grahaaya Vidmahe Indu Putraaya Dheemahi
Thanno Budha Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Budhaaya Namaha.
5. Guru Gayatri :
Ohm Surachaaryaaya Vidmahe Sura Sreshtaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Guru Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Gurave Namaha.
6. Sukra Gayatri :
Ohm Rajathaabhaaya Vidmahe Brugu Suthaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Sukra Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Sukraaya Namaha.
7. Sani Gayatri :
Ohm Kaakadwajaaya Vidmahe Khadga Hastaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Manda Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Sanishcharaaya Namaha.
8. Rahu Gayatri :
Ohm Sookha Danthaaya Vidmahe Ugra Roopaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Raahu Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Rahave Namaha.
9. Kethu Gayatri :
Ohm Chitra Varnaaya Vidmahe Sarpa Roopaaya Dheemahi
Thanno Kethu Prachothayaath.
Ohm Namo Bhagavathe Kethave Namaha.
From: Ravishankar Gopal
Subject: Sant Tukkaram- Part-8 by Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji
Radhe Krishna To All,
Securing the company of a Sadhu is the result of good merits (`punya')
earned in crores of janmas. So says Adi Sankara in Viveka Choodamani. The
`janma' in which you attain a Sadguru is verily your last `janma'.
A dog, when beckoned, runs to eat the food thrown at it. The man picks up a stick and beats the dog with it. Unable to bear the pain of the beating, the dog decides not to come running to this fellow the next day if he were to beckon. But, the next day it runs up when called, having forgotten the vow, and gets beaten up along with the food thrown. In the same way, in this life we face some problem or the other. While faced with the problem we vow not to indulge in life but to dedicate our life to attain Bhagavan. But, once the pain of the
suffering vanishes we forget the vow and step into the drama of life - only to suffer all over again! When a snake catches a frog, it takes almost a day for it to swallow the frog. Meanwhile the frog caught from behind has its face turned outwards. It puts out its tongue and keeps swallowing the flies that fall on to it! It is being pulled
into death in the form of the snake but the frog, unaware of it, is enjoying its food! In the same way Yama (the God of death) has his hand on our neck; yet we are trying to snatch as much fun and frolic out of this life even while moving towards death! Once Pattinathar found people weeping over a dead relative in their home. Pattinathar sat on the pyol of the house and began to weep, too. The relatives
stopped crying and came out to find out in what way was this man Pattinathar) related to the dead. They asked him, "Who are you? We have never seen you before. How are you related to the dead?" Pattinathar said to them, "I am weeping for the `live' corpses that are crying for the `dead corpse'!" Every one is going to meet death some day but without realizing this we weep for the dead! A snake catches a frog and tries to swallow it. A snake's throat is very small. It is unable to swallow the frog. Both the snake and the frog suffer and finally both of them die. Thus, if one embraces a Guru who is not of the highest
order, both the Guru and the sishya (disciple) would fall headlong.
!!! Will continue !!!
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
--- On Sun, 6/7/08, Krishnan
From: Krishnan
Subject: The Importance of Being a Brahmin
Date: Sunday, 6 July, 2008, 5:57 PM
Dear Friends,
Vedas describe the origin of Brahmins in detail. "Brahmano Syamugha Maaseedhu" . Brahmins have originated from the face of Brahman, so says the Vedas. There were saints who have attained realization and knowledge by virtue of meditation, penance and contemplation. They have set the standard of life which have come to be known as Sanatana Dharma. These Rishies have got married and allowed their generations to grow and prosper.
Brahmin community belongs to different Gothrams like Athreya Gothram, Aupamanya Gothram, Bharadwaja Gothram, Koundinya Gothram, Kousika Gothram, Tharakayana Gothram etc. All these Gothrams are derived from the name of respective Rishies and those coming in the lineage of a particular Rishi are named after the name of that Rishi. For instance, Bharadwaja Gothram indicates that the people belonging to this sect originated from the family of Bharadwaja Muni.
The Munis were the enlightened sages and they passed on their knowledge, wisdom and culture through their generations. Every generation has gained fresh knowledge by assimilating the new thoughts that emerged from time to time. So a Brahmin embodies the accumulated knowledge of all his forefathers who are traced to saints belonging to Vedic past.
When the embryo of the baby is formed, it inherits all the accumulated knowledge of earlier generations but once the baby is born, it severs its connection with the past. This detachment is marked by the cutting of umbilical cord. The childhood passes away and the boy becomes a youth. The childhood stage is considered as an intervening period between birth and Brahmacharya. Now what is the link that traces him to his hoary past? What is the link that connects him to the collective wisdom of the past? The Vedic link that the child lost when the umbilical cord is cut is now re-established in the form of Yagnopaveetham. In other words, the Yagnopaveetham (Poonal) serves as an umbilical cord that connects him, not just his immediate parents, not just the three generations but the entire tree of generations and the Rishi on whose root the whole tree flourished.
The childhood is the stage when the boy prepares himself by nurturing noble qualities. As he attains the right age, he is initiated into the order of Brahmacharya. Poonal is the mark of his formal entry into Brahminhood. It gives him an authority to pursue his spiritual path. He is now supposed to cultivate the habit of devotion and discipline. He is supposed to find a Guru who would lead him to the path of Jnana. He is supposed to acquire knowledge by reading scriptures and Vedic texts so that he can equip himself to face the future with confidence and reach the right destination.
Poonal is not a mere symbol to identify a community. One who wears a Poonal may not necessarily be a Brahman and one who does not wear a Poonal may not be a non-Brahmin either. Poonal has sanctity of its own and one has to qualify himself for wearing it, not by birth alone but by practice. He alone is a Brahmin who does his Nithya Karmas, follows the path of Sanatana Dharma and remain free from ego, avarice, anger and pride. Bharatiyar has thrown his Poonal away saying "Nadu Arintha Parppanukku Poonal Etharkku?" (What is the use of a Poonal for one whom the world knows as Brahmin?). He was wrong. Poonal is not something that is worn for the world to know. It is for the realization of Brahman within. But one who has thrown away his Poonal but has led a life of truth (like Bharatiyar) is nobler compared to one who wears his Poonal but does nothing to justify it. There also prevails a wrong notion that Avani Avittam is an occasion to make up the deficiencies of the past. It is an occasion when you commit yourself to do your Nithyakarmas and duties diligently, as in the past, so in future.
Yours truly,
Why is the belief in God so strong? Please answer!?
God is One with no name but has been given many, many names by humankind. The kingdom of God is closed to none who seek it with a pure heart. If you were a Loving Mystical Being, Creator of the Universe, would you set things up so simply that there was only one road leading to this kingdom you want all to share?
Ask any parent with multiple children. They have different personalities, different needs. Thus a parent must take different approaches in rearing them. And the way you parent a 4 yr old will be different than how you parent a 15 yr old.
Always know you are loved beyond your wildest dreams. A person's beliefs, not just religious beliefs, but all beliefs are their most personal possessions. Your beliefs are the foundation of everything you are, how you think, how you judge, how you relate to the world around you. They are, in effect, what makes you an individual. Is it any wonder then why belief-based arguments, be they religious, political or otherwise are often the most brutal? That which you're attacking or defending is, after all, the core of a persons very being.
Astrological Queries
Panditji, My DOB is 10-05-1959 time 13.32.30 place Indore, please tell me when can my finances will improve and united with my family?
Shri NK your bad times are going to be over very soon. You are born in Simha lagna and vrishabha rashi, Rohini Nakshatra charan 4. presently you are under shani dasha till 2019, however, you had suffered losses in business and other set backs due to its influence and due to Sadhe saati in the past. Guru has come to its own Rashi from November 15th 2007 and would bring about positive changes in your life and you would be reunited with your family very soon. As regards your going abroad, there is a chance after 23rd september2008.
Sir, I am at present jobless when will I get a new job?
Sir, You have not sent any details about your DOB, time of birth and place, however, based on the time of receiving your query you will soon receive an offer in a weeks time, carry on this job till next year when you will get a chance to go abroad.
40 Tips for Better Life by Rajee Sundaram
1. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
3. Sleep for 7 hours.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Play more games.
6. Read more books than you did in 2007.
7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
8. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
9. Dream more while you are awake.
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
11. Drink plenty of water.
12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
13. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
14. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
15. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
16. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
17. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
18. Smile and laugh more.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
22. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
23. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. Don't compare your partner with others.
24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
25. Forgive everyone for everything.
26.. What other people think of you is none of your business.
27. GOD ! heals everything.
28. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
29. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
30. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
31. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
32. The best is yet to come.
33. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
34. Do the right thing!
35. Call your family often.
36. Your inner most is always happy. So be happy.
37. Each day give something good to others.
38. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
39. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.
40. Please Forward this to everyone you care about.
Rajee Sundaram
A Difficult Judgment by Audiseshan Ramesh
In a small town in India, a person decided to open up his Bar business, which was right opposite to the Temple. The Temple its congregation started a campaign to block the Bar from opening with petitions and prayed daily against his business. Work progressed. However, when it was almost complete and was about to open a few days later, a strong lightning struck the Bar and it was burnt to the ground.
The temple folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, till the Bar owner sued the Temple authorities on the grounds that the Temple through its congregation prayers was ultimately responsible for the demise of his bar shop, either through direct or indirect actions or means.
In its reply to the court, the temple vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection that their prayers were reasons to the bar shop's demise. As the case made its way into court, the judge looked over the paperwork at the hearing and commented: I don't know how I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from the paperwork, 'we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer and we have an entire temple and its devotees that doesn't.'
Radhe Krishna To All,
One who has attained a Uttama Guru will be totally free from worries because he will exhibit steadfast faith in the Guru. He would say, "Even if I am the worst kind of sinner in this world my Guru will certainly uplift me." If, on the contrary, someone has a great Guru but does not have such faith in Him it only means that he has not really surrendered unto the Guru.
Once, while Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was bathing in the Holy Ganges, his ardent devotee Girish Chandra Gosh was standing on the banks of the river. Sri Ramakrishna asked him to bathe in the Ganges and Girish Chandra Gosh refused to do so. Sri Ramakrishna said to him, "If you don't observe such dharma then who else would?" Hearing the words of his Guru, Girish immediately took a dip in the Ganges. From then on he used to bathe in the Ganges quite frequently. At such times he would think, "It is said that when normal people bathe in the Ganges she cleanses them of their sins. But when a Mahan bathes in the Ganges, He cleanses the Ganges and enhances the purifying potential of the Ganges. My Guru, out of immense compassion, has taken away all my sins. So if I bathe here, the power of Ganges to cleanse and purify will increase hundredfold."
Since he was a fervent and superior Guru Bhakta, his Bhavam was also lofty.
Girish Chandra Gosh was renowned for his implicit faith and total surrender unto his Guru. He worshipped Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa verily as an incarnation of God. He spoke of his Guru as an "Avatara Purusha" to everyone he met.
Once after seeing a play about Prahlada, the great devotee of the Lord, at the Star Theatre, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was conversing with His disciples. Girish, who was also there, said to his Guru, "Master! I am a sinner who is beyond redemption. The very ground where I sit would become unholy. I utterly lack sincerity. Please bestow me with sincerity." To this Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa replied, "What can I bless? Sages like Sri Narada and Sri Shuka Deva would have been able to do that." Unrelentingly Girish said, "I don't see Sri Narada or Shuka Deva. You are the only God I know and You are standing right before me. Please do not refuse." Immensely pleased with the deep faith of his beloved disciple, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa smilingly blessed him saying, "All right! So be it! You have such a faith!"
Such was the faith that this great disciple had which his Guru acknowledged lovingly.
Girish Chandra Ghosh was a man full of vices. Name the vice and he had it. However, he had deep affection for Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Ramakrishna asked him to chant the Lord's Divine Name every morning and evening. Girish Chandra Ghosh said, "I cannot. It is not possible for me to chant the Divine Name every morning and evening."
Paramahamsa said, "Well! Chant it just before you take your meals." Girish Chandra Ghosh, "No, Sir! This is not possible for me!" Paramahamsa said, "Well! Chant just once before going to bed."
Girish, "No! This, too, is not possible for me!"
Paramahamsa said, "Well! then, surrender to me. I will take care of you. I will take you to Moksha. Give the power of attorney to me."
Girish Chandra's joy knew no bounds. He thought, `what fortune! I can lead my life as I have been living. The Master will do japa for me and take me to Moksha.'
At once he gave his power of attorney to Paramahamsa.
But, what happened after this? The moment Girish lifted the wine bottle he saw Ramakrishna's face on the bottle. He could not drink. When he visited any woman for company he saw Ramakrishna in her and could not go near her. Girish was unable to carry on life in his old style. He thought, `I thought that surrender was very easy. But, it is not so.' Every moment, in all actions, he saw only the Master. He just could not forget him.
Girish Chandra Gosh boldly proclaimed to the world that his Master was an incarnation. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was also fully aware of Girish's conviction.
One day, while Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was taking a walk in the garden with his devotees at his heels, he said to Girish, "Girish! What do you see in me that you tell everyone that I am an incarnation?" Girish at once fell on his knees before his Master and with a voice choked with emotion said, "What can I say about the One whose glories even great sages like Vyasa and Valmiki couldn't describe enough!" Moved by the words of this great disciple, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said, "What more can I tell? Be illumined!" Saying so Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa touched all the devotees present there and blessed them with Spiritual awakening.
Thus, Girish displayed deep faith and love that moved his Guru to bless not just him but all the devotees. This day, January 1(1886), is lovingly remembered as the `Kalpataru Day' when the love of a disciple made his Guru a `Wish-fulfilling tree'!
Please Chant Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
In the cosmos, just as Mother Tiripurasundari is the main cause for all the activities, the Kundalini Shakthi in us is the primordial force of all our actions. That is why the Goddess is also known as Maha Kundalini.
The coiled up serpent, Kundalini, rises up with Her immeasurable Yogic powers and reaches the Sahasrara Padma in the head. All religions have originated from this experience of the Kundalini Shakti uniting with the Sahasrara. That is why the Goddess is extolled as Samayachara Tatpara.
This Shakti takes the form of Agni. When this Shakti is roused, it courses its way upwards like a serpent dancing with its hood spread. The pervasive power is symbolized by the serpent's spread-out hood, and the concentration power by the serpent's closed mouth.
Mother Tiripurasundari is the divine form of Kundalini Shakti. That Goddess, who bestows on us all auspiciousness, should be worshipped in the Hridaya Kamalam, the Lotus of one's Heart.
"Yasya Nisyasitam Vedah Yo Vedobhyokhilam Jagat"
Personal Experiences of people (names kept secret on request)
I was jobless for about six months in 2003 and was facing lot of difficulty in getting a new suitable job. My uncle asked me to contact Guruji and told me he would solve my problem. Though I did not believe him but I thought I there was no harm in trying so I contacted him in Chennai and gave my uncle’s reference. My uncle had already spoken to Guruji about me, but I was surprised to find a simple person who was kind and courteous unlike some of the so called Guruji’s(no intention to blame anybody)ad asked my details and started his chanting and within few minutes he told me to conduct Vishnu sahasranama chanting to be done by 9 people and to feed them after the Puja and this was to be done within 45 days and he assured me that I would get a very good job and I performed the same as per his directions and within a week of performing the puja I got a call from Delhi to attend an interview and was offered the post of Asstt. Manager in that Company with twice the salary what I was getting in my previous employment. Now I am transferred back to Chennai and living happily with my family. I don’t know how to repay the debt to Guruji? Always you can contact me for any kind of help for the Trust he has formed. (GS Chennai)
I am thankful to Guruji for saving my life. (ms.M, Singapore)
We are indebted to Guruji for all the Puja and Japams he has done to cure illness (Cancer) of my wife (mr. K & family Malaysia)
Thank u Guruji, we are blessed with a son after two daughters, with your grace and kindness ( MR& Mrs G Delhi)
Guruji I cannot find any words I have been blessed with a son after 10 years of my marriage. I do not know how I can repay you. (NK Dubey. Delhi)
My brother in law is well after the serious accident with your blessings. He is now walking and will recover soon. I am sending a token amount for the trust and continue to help the trust till I breathe my last. (V P Tuticorin)
…….to be Continued….
MAYA AND ILLUSION - Swam Vivekananda
Attempts have been made in Germany to build a system of philosophy on the basis that the Infinite has become the finite. Such attempts are also made in England. And the analysis of the position of these philosophers is this, that the Infinite is trying to express itself in this universe, and that there will come a time when the Infinite will succeed in doing so. It is all very well, and we have used the words Infinite and manifestation and expression, and so on, but philosophers naturally ask for a logical fundamental basis for the statement that the finite can fully express the Infinite. The Absolute and the Infinite can become this universe only by limitation. Everything must be limited that comes through the senses, or through the mind, or through the intellect; and for the limited to be the unlimited is simply absurd, and can never be. The Vedanta, on the other hand, says that it is true that the Absolute or the Infinite is trying to express itself in the finite, but there will come a time when it will find that it is impossible, and it will then have to beat a retreat, and this beating a retreat means renunciation which is the real beginning of religion. Nowadays it is very hard even to talk of renunciation. It was said of me in America that I was a man who came out of a land that had been dead and buried for five thousand years, and talked of renunciation. So says, perhaps, the English philosopher. Yet it is true that that is the only path to religion. Renounce and give up. What did Christ say? "He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Again and again did he preach renunciation as the only way to perfection? There comes a time when the mind awakes from this long and dreary dream -- the child gives up its play and wants to go back to its mother. It finds the truth of the statement, "Desire is never satisfied by the enjoyment of desires, it only increases the more, as fire, when butter is poured upon it."
Vratas and festivals in August 2008
1,31 Amavasya 16 Avani Avittam 20 Sankatahara Chathurthi
17 Pournami 17 Gayathri japam 15 Thiruvonam
Krithigai 12 Ekadashi 7 Shashti
1 Surya grahanam 16-17 Chandra grahanam 2 Pathinettam perukku
3 Adi Pooram 14-28 Pradosham 15 varalakshmi vratham
We are also introducing free Horoscope exchange services Astrological Consultancy, Reiki, Pranic Healings and training classes, etc soon. Interested people who wish to offer their Services may please contact Lokakshema International Mission Trust by phone or by email
For free astrological, vaastu consultancy, etc you may send in your queries by mail to lokakshemamission@gmail.com
Kalyana Vaibhavam
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Groom wanted
Working as a Senior Gazetted Officer in Central Govt, 42, seeks suitable life partner, caste no bar, contact lokakshemamission@gmailcom
Bride Wanted
Working in an MNC as Service Engineer, 32 yrs, seeks alliance from North Indian Brahmin Girl contact: vidya.bhushan.1979@yahoo.com
Employed in Air force (waiting for Officer Promotion) M.com M Phil MBA, 27 yrs, 160 Cms, fair, Thiruvadirai, Kaushika Gothra, Vadamal, seeks alliance, no expectations contact 09313851325
Working in Dubai, UAE 30 yrs, fair, Ayilyam, Kahyapa Gothra, seeks suitable match from educated girls contact manindx6@gmailcom
We welcome all Ritwiks, Astrologers, Vaidhikas (professional and amateur) and other experts to register with us so as to enable us to prepare a data bank and directory and to facilitate easy accessibility of information
We also welcome all socio-cultural organizations to send in their programmes, particulars, etc
We welcome your articles, photographs and other materials for publication in the newsletter
We solicit your valuable suggestions, feed back and comments. You may also share your experiences with Shri Guruji, with us. You can also volunteer yourselves for the future activities of the Trust.
Looking forward to your mail
With regards
Hari Krishnamurthy
happy Independence day
Editorial Board of Vishwa Kalyan, Lokakshema International Mission Trust and Sarva Devata Homam Committee
Editor: Hari Krishnamurthy
on behalf of Lokakakahema International Mission Trust
Email lokakshemamission@gmail.com
3rd STAGE, NANGANALLUR, CHENNAI- 600061, PHONE : 91-44-22243097
Delhi Office: A-73, Inder Puri, New Delhi-110012. 011-25836229
EMAIL: lokakshemamission@gmail.com
Registration Form for Puthra Kameshti Yagya
Father’s Name…………………………Mother’s Name………………………………………..
Date of Birth………………..Place of Birth………………………..Time of Birth………….……..
Nakshatra ……………………Rashi…………………..Gothra……………………………………..
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Phone……………………Mobile……………………….Email ID……………………………….
Name: (Wife)…………………………………………………………………………………….
Father’s Name…………………………Mother’s Name………………………………………..
Date of Birth………………..Place of Birth……………………..Time of Birth………….……..
Nakshatra……………………Rashi…………….. Mobile no………………….Email ID………
Date of Marriage……………………….
Details of the Problem ………………………………………………………………………………
Place…….. Signature of the Applicant(s)
For office use only
Registration No…………………………….. Date………………………
Received Rs One thousand only by cash/Cheque no………….dated…………..
Submitted to Guruji on…………………………..follow up to be done on…………………………Periodicity……………………….…
Remedies Suggested …………………………………………………………………………………..
Authorised Signatory
3rd STAGE, NANGANALLUR, CHENNAI- 600061, PHONE : 91-44-22243097
Delhi Office: A-73, Inder Puri, New Delhi-110012. 011-25836229
EMAIL: lokakshemamission@gmail.com
Registration Form (For Benefeciaries)
Name: ……………………………………… Spouse’s Name …………………………….
Father’s Name…………………………Mother’s Name………………………………………..
Date of Birth………………..Place of Birth………………………..Time of Birth………….……..
Nakshatra ……………………Rashi…………………..Gothra……………………………………..
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Phone……………………Mobile……………………….Email ID……………………………….
Web Site, if any………………………………………………………………………………………
Qualification (optional)………………………………………………………………………………
Purpose of appointment with Guruji ………………………………………………………………
Details of the Problem ………………………………………………………………………………
Whether this is for yourself or others (pl. specify)………………………………………………
Place…….. Signature of the Applicant
For office use only
Registration No…………………………….. Date………………………
Submitted to Guruji on…………………………..follow up to be done on…………………………Periodicity……………………….…
Remedies Suggested …………………………………………………………………………………..
Authorised Signatory
PS: If the reference is for more than one person from the same family their particulars may please be attached with this form along with the details & photographs.
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